Tuesday, 18 December 2018


This time we are making an entry where we will be commenting on our general impression on the challege, our group characteristics and personal expectations.
For the challage we will work on entrepreneurship and advertising a new product with the company "Angulas Aguinaga" in a project proposed by the Promotion Area of the City of San Sebastian.

At first, we weren't very motivated but it has been nice to see how a company works when they need to improve a product or come up with a new one. We will be speaking about the process in the next entry.
There are four of us in the group: we work very hard and we have made an excellent formula. All of us have contributed something to our product, that's why the result has been amazing.

 Resultado de imaxes para angulas aguinagaResultado de imaxes para krissia

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This is my last entryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! and with this I finish school and after finishing exams I will be in the best time of the year: SUMMEE...