Tuesday 14 May 2019


This is my last entryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! and with this I finish school and after finishing exams I will be in the best time of the year: SUMMEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
So, remanding the second evaluation I recommend you to watch my fantastic video with the song "What time is it?" . You all know the answer, don't you? SUMMER TIME.

Well, the 3rd term has been a hard and intense but I managed to get the term off the ground. I have learned a lot about EU and human rights. I work very hard and I think I deserve a high mark because I did my best.

Now, it's time to enjoy the summer and forgot the school:)
 Resultado de imaxes para throwing papers after school


This time the teacher told us to do a presentation about an European city. I did it with Joane and we chose Rome.
First we spoke about its general information as you can see in the powerpoint and then, about its monuments and festivals.

Tuesday 7 May 2019


This time we are going to analise political slogans that politician have used in this year's campaings.

This is the poster of eh bildu.
Resultado de imaxes para eh bildu erabaki
1-Description: We can see their slogan which is "Para avanzar ERABAKI" that means "choose to progress". We can also see 4 people, members of the party.
2-Content: The slogan is written in basque because it's a basque party and they want to be voted especially by basque people that's way they put ERABAKI, like "choose us". They put the face of this 4 to transmit confidence and equality as there are 2 girls and 2 boys.
3-Context: They get 4 seats
4-Conclusion: It is a coincidence but they get 4 seats and there are 4 peole in the picture, it seems that they get what they want.

This poster is vox's
Imaxe relacionada
1-Description: We can see their slogan "La España viva" which means "The alive Spain" and one letters are filled with the flag of Spain.
2-Content: The slogan has a double meaning because if you change the order it says "Viva España" which means "Hurrah Spain".
3-Context: They get 24 seats and it is a lot because it's a new party.
4-Conclusion: The slogan was ok for people who are very proud of their country.

The last one is Pacma's slogan an animalist political party.
1-Description: Their slogan literally says join in with the revolution. When it comes to to the design, it's very clean and easy to understand with no hidden meanings and a strong message.
2-Content:I find this sentence interesting because it completely comes one with their programme which would make a huge different in how animals are treated nowadays. This was very appealing for people and from a marketing point of view they made it.
3-Context: Pacma had some awful results in the past elections and didn't make it to even achieve a seat in both chambers.
4-Conclusion: They need to do something else if they want to get some seats in the parliament.


This time the teacher asked us to do a radio programme speaking about our favourite song and singer. You have to listen to it if you want to know which is my favourite.

Listen to the radio programme
 Resultado de imaxes para radio programme

Tuesday 26 March 2019


Try our Kahoot

1-If the European Union was a single country, it would have the ______ population of any country in the world.
B-3rd largest
C-5th largest
D-9th largest

2-In what year was an institution called the European Union officially established? 

3-Which agreement allows borderless travel among many European countries?
A-Treaty of Rome
B-London Consensus
C-Schengen agreement
D-Treaty of Versalles

4-Which European Union institution has the power to propose legislation?
A-European Parliament
B-Council of the European Union
C-European commission
D-None of the above
5-How many official languages has the EU?
6-Which of these countries isn't in the EU?

Which one of these is not part of the European Union’s ‘’four freedoms’’
A-Freedom of movement of migrants
B-Freedom of movement of goods
C-Freedom of movement of services
D-Freedom of movement of capital
9-How frequently does the rotating presidency of the EU change?
A- Every 5 years
B- Every 2 years
C- Every 7 months
D- Every 7 weeks
10-Who apart from the UK, had not joined the euro by January 2001?
A- Austria
D- Denmark

Friday 22 March 2019


This time, the teacher asked us to do a questionnaire about human rights. We did it in groups of 4, and I did it with Ane, Enara and Joane. We did questions related to human rights and this was the result:



This is my last entryyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! and with this I finish school and after finishing exams I will be in the best time of the year: SUMMEE...